Favorite Non-Profits/Ministries

Here is list of non-profits and ministries that are dear to my heart. I will continue to add on when I discover a new favorite organization that has a heart for the least of these! James 1:27

1. Visiting Orphans - Their mission is "to awaken the body of Christ to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the 163 million orphans by visiting them, loving them, and sharing the Father’s heart. They conducts many missions trips for churches, schools, and individuals from around the United States to orphanages all around the world including China, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, Ghana, Kenya, Ecuador, Ukraine, Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras, India and Costa Rica."

147 Million Orphans - Suzanne and Gwen, two moms with huge hearts for the orphan, founded 147! Their mission is To provide food, water and medicine to children in need worldwide. To bring awareness to the orphan crisis. To assist adoptive families with fundraising through the sale of original and handmade products. 

Simply Love -  The Gibson Family started this awesome ministry.You will be able to join them on their missions adventure and partner with their projects in Ethiopia and Haiti. They are currently living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and would love for you to prayerfully consider sponsoring their family this year as missionaries. They will spend the months of November – January living in Pignon, Haiti. Their plans are to return back to Ethiopia in the spring through summer.

 4. Focus on the Family- An amazing organization that serves U.S. and International orphans. They show their heart for orphans by finding families for waiting children in the U.S. with their "Wait No More" campaign, they bring awareness to orphans by partnering with several other national ministries calling it, Cry of the Orphan. They also have partnerships with China and South Africa. Lastly, they provide loads of adoption information.  

 5. Ordinary Hero - Oh, what an incredible organization OH is!!! The Founder/Director, Kelly Putty, is amazing and has one of the biggest hearts for the least of these. Their MISSION: Our Mission is to inspire and empower ORDINARY people to make an extraordinary difference in the life of a child in need.

 6.Wiphan- Out of loss, came joy—and Wiphan (WI= widows +PHAN= orphans) Care Ministries was born. Wiphan is an amazing ministry with a heart and passion for serving the less fortunate. Wiphan Care Ministries is a Zambian-based Christian ministry that provides biblical teaching, skills training and education to widows and orphans in Zambia, Africa who have been devastated by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

7. i'm ME - They are devoted to the task of raising up a generation of fatherless children who will find their true identity in their Heavenly Father. This incredible organization was founded by three native Texas brothers who were heart broken for the orphan while on a mission trip to Haiti! You need to see what they are all about and what awesome work they are doing in Haiti!



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