Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"Best Friends" Mini Session

One Twenty Seven's very first mini session day is almost here!

"Best Friends" Mini Session
1 free 8 x 10
5 photos on CD w/printing rights
100% of the fee will go towards my mission trip to Haiti
I have lots of ideas for the sessions. Scrap fabric, ribbon and felt garland. BUBBLES. cute Chalkboards. sweet Charming fence.

---book your mini session soon---

Time Slots:
9:00- BOOKED
9:45- BOOKED
11:15- BOOKED

Email: if you are interested in booking a mini session or would like more information!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

One Twenty Seven

Hi! My name is Rachel and I am so excited to finally be starting my photography business. I love photography. I am a child and family photographer. I adore capturing those precious smiles and sweet spirits of a child and the love of a big happy family!

Where did the name come from?
Well, the name of my business was discovered through my love for His precious ones which led me to this verse, James 1:27 "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."
Hence, the One Twenty Seven!

My mission?
My mission is to use my passion for photography to serve orphans, widows and the least of these.
A percentage of every profit One Twenty Seven Photography makes will go to one of my favorite non-profit organizations or ministries that ministers to orphans, foster children, and widows.

Some of my work: